Symfony Error: Expected Doctrine\\ORM\\Query\\Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, got ‘*’

Symfony Doctrine ORM Syntax Error: Expected Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER
Discover practical solutions to resolve the "Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, got '*'" syntax error in Symfony and Doctrine ORM queries. Read more

jQuery FormValidation and SubmitHandler with AJAX

Learn how to implement form validation using jQuery's FormValidation library, handle form submission with AJAX, and create a seamless user experience. Read more

TypeError App\Entity::addMediaFile(): Argument #1 ($mediaFile) must be of type Entity\MediaFile, File\UploadedFile given, PropertyAccessor.php on line 639

Practical solutions for resolving TypeErrors in Symfony, focusing on understanding and troubleshooting the "Argument #1 must be of type..." error encountered within the addMediaFile() method of App\DataBundle\Entity\UserEntity. Gain insights into effective debugging techniques tailored to this specific scenario. Read more

PHP File Upload with Progress Bar using jQuery and Ajax

PHP File Upload with Progress Bar using jQuery and Ajax
Steps to PHP file uploads with progress bar using jQuery and ajax. This comprehensive guide offers detailed code explanations, practical examples for seamless implementation in your web applications. Read more